HC Deb 06 August 1980 vol 990 cc123-4W
Miss Richardson

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what conclusions he has come to after considering whether, in the light of the abolition of earnings-related supplement in 1982, the six weeks' maternity pay at 90 per cent. of normal

(b) Proposed redundancies 4,562 employees at 73 establishments.

There is no statutory duty to notify my Department when proposed closures and redundancies do not take place.

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the number of redundancies reported to it as due to occur in the Aston employment office area from 1 January to 30 June 1980 involved 553 employees.

These figures are provisional since some notifications are received late. Both the Department of Employment and Manpower Services Commission figures are for redundancies involving 10 or more employees.

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