HC Deb 03 April 1980 vol 982 cc353-4W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what was the change between 1975 and 1979 in the volume and unit value of imports and exports of inorganic chemicals (SITC 52); to what extent the figures have been affected by changes in the volume and value of trade in colloidial precious metals (523.32) and radioactive, and so on, materials (524.00); and what the volume and unit value would be if these items were excluded.

Mr. Parkinson

The information requested for SITC 52 is readily available from tables B9, B14, C12 and C19 of the February issue of theMonthly Review of External Trade Statistics. Index numbers are not compiled separately for SITC 523.32. Some of the information used in compiling index numbers for SITC 524 is suppressed, for security reasons, in the overseas trade statistics, and I regret that the information re- quested in respect of this item cannot be made available.