HL Deb 22 May 1979 vol 400 c434WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What steps they will take to prevent the importation of oak wilt.


Oak wilt disease is known to occur only in the USA and the likelihood of transmission to this country is assessed by pathologists, both American and British, as extremely remote. The potential risk lies in the bark, and the Importation of Wood and Bark (Prohibition) (Great Britain) Order 1977 requires that oak from North America must have the bark removed prior to shipment; additionally the wood must be either dried or disinfected. A proposal to extend similar controls to include square-edged sawn oak wood from the USA has been provisionally agreed in Brussels and, subject to ratification, will be included in the EEC Plant Health Directive which is due to be implemented by 1st September. These additional measures will reduce the risk even further.