§ Mr. Anthony Grantasked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will set out in the Official Report the precise responsibilities of the Ministers in his Department.
§ Mr. PriorI have overall responsibility for matters relevant to my Department. The division of responsibilities among other departmental Ministers is as follows
The Minister of State, Lord Gowrie:
- EEC—and other overseas matters;
- Work permits;
- Employment Agencies
- Youth—including Careers Service, Youth Opportunities Programme, Vocational Preparation;
- Social Security questions relating to unemployment;
- Race Relations;
34- Equal Pay and Women's General Employment questions;
- Disablement;
- Wages Councils;
- Job Satisfaction—the Work Research Unit;
- Statistics.
Lord Gowrie also has responsibility for all other matters relevant to my Department in the other place, and other departmental Ministers will deal with his particular responsibilities in this House.
The Under-Secretary of State, my hon. Friend the Member for Beeston (Mr. Lester):
- Manpower—other than Youth and Disabled:
- Employment Services
- Training
- Special Temporary Employment Programme
- DE Special Employment Measures.
- Redundancy Payments;
- Pay Issues.
- The Under-Secretary of State, my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Royal Tunbridge Wells (Mr. Mayhew):
- Industrial Relations—including legislation:
- Health and Safety.