HC Deb 19 March 1979 vol 964 c417W
Mr. Radice

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what were the following

1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79
Total current and capital expenditure*:
(a) At 1978 survey prices 14,524 16,175 15,979 15,211 14,343 14,650
(b)At outturn prices 7,671 10,808 12,965 13,812 14,272 ..
Current expenditure:
(a) At 1978 survey prices 9,829 10,828 11,278 11,296 11,220 11,561
(b) At outturn prices 4,791 6,847 9,022 10,227 11,164 ..
Wages and salaries, etc.
(a) At 1978 survey prices 7,233 7,856 8,177 8,347 8,355 8,564
(b) At outturn prices 3,690 5,256 6,824 7,752 8,339 ..
Capital expenditure:
(a)At 1978 survey prices 4,668 5,347 4,701 3,915 3,127 3,089
(b) At outturn prices 2,881 3,961 3,943 3,585 3,108 ..
Loan charges
At 1978 survey prices 1,216 1,299 1,203 1,282 1,145 1,232
* Based on the definitions used in the latest Public Expenditure White Paper (Cmnd. 7439).
Including employers' national insurance and superannuation contributions.
As defined in the rate support grant settlement (see Table 4.6 in Cmnd. 7439).

Details prior to 1973–74 are not readily available on a comparable basis. Details on expenditure on manual employees are not available over time on a fully comparable basis, although for 1978–79 local authority revenue estimates indicated expenditure on all manual employees on rate fund services (i.e. excluding amounts charged to non-rate fund accounts such as capital and trading) of just over £1,800 million (at November 1977 prices which are broadly comparable to 1978 survey prices).