HC Deb 11 July 1979 vol 970 cc182-3W
Mr. John Evans

asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) how many official trade union-backed strikes, in 1974 and each subsequent year to the latest available date, were settled within one week, within one to two weeks, within two to three weeks, within three to four weeks and after more than four weeks, respectively;

(2) how many unofficial strikes, in 1974 and each subsequent year to the latest available date, were settled within one week, within one to two weeks, within two to three weeks, within three to four weeks and more than four weeks, respectively.

Mr. Mayhew

Analyses of the duration of stoppages are not separately made for

Length of stoppage in working days*
Year in which stoppages commenced 1–6 7–12 13–18 19–24 Over 24 Total Of which, known official† Other †
1974 1,877 508 230 116 191 2,922 125 2,797
1975 1,403 432 180 99 168 2,282 139 2,143
1976 1,375 337 122 63 119 2,016 69 1,947
1977 1,682 519 188 104 210 2,703 79 2,624
1978 1,561 410 166 114 220 2,471 82‡ 2,389
Source: Annual articles on industrial stoppages in Department of Employment Gazette.
* The analyses are not available in terms of week, since the working week varies in different employments.
† The division of the totals between known official trade union-backed strikes and others is made so far as the information is available. There are various borderline cases and possibly unreported official stoppages included in the remaining category "Other".
‡ Provisional.