HC Deb 15 February 1979 vol 962 cc652-4W

Category A Companies which have reported under the Code of Conduct

British companies designated Category A are those holding 50 per cent. or more of the equity of a South African company employing 20 or more black Africans. Companies within this category were asked to publish, by 30 September 1978, detailed information about the performance of their South African subsidiaries in accordance with the reporting format set out in Annex 3 of Cmnd. 7233.

Up to 10 November 1978, 109 reports from Category A companies had been received by the Department of Trade and these have been analysed. A further 22 reports were received by 31 January 1979 but have not been analysed. The 131 companies from whom reports have been received are listed below (* indicates a company which sent a copy of its report to the Department of Trade after 10 November 1978).

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