HC Deb 04 April 1979 vol 965 cc801-3W
Mr. Younger

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will provide his estimate of the expenditure incurred on the training opportunities scheme for each financial year from 1974–75, including the current financial year, and the numbers assisted each year; and if he will provide details of the numbers assisted in the various types of institutions providing such training and the numbers assisted by each type of the courses on offer.

Mr. Golding

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the actual expenditure and number of trainees completing training, including young people, arising from the training opportunities programme for the financial years 1975–76, 1976–77 and 1977–78 were as shown on table A.

Information on the actual expenditure and number of completions for 1978–79 financial year is not yet available. However, it is estimated that there will be 68,920 adult completions, broken down as under:

Skill centres 21,440
Colleges 36,651
Employers' establishments 6,281
Heavy goods vehicle training 3,881
Residential training centres 667
Total 68,920

The latest estimated figure of outturn under TOPS for 1978–79 is £204,636 million.

It is not possible, in the time available, to provide a breakdown of completions into the type of courses on offer.

his estimates of the expenditure to be incurred on the training opportunities scheme in the financial years 1979–80. 1980–81 and 1981–82, and any estimates of the numbers likely to be assisted.

Mr. Golding

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the estimated expenditure and number of adults completing training planned for under the TOPS scheme in each of the financial years requested are as follows:

Estimated expenditure £ million Estimated completions
1979–80 229.719 79,800
1980–81 245.379 84,000
1981–82 256.240 89,000