HC Deb 13 November 1978 vol 958 cc79-80W
Mr. Kenneth Clarke

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what estimates his

day; and what are the comparable figures for runway 28R.

Mr. Clinton Davis

During the six months ending 31st October 1978 there were five occasions on which runway 28L was used for landings, virtually without interruption, throughout the 24 hours period commencing at 1500 hours on Sunday. There were no occasions on which runway 28R was similarly used.

Mr. Hayhoe

asked the Secretary of State for Trade how much more often runway 28L at Heathrow has been used for aircraft movements at night compared with runway 28R during the last month, the last three months and the last six months; and what were the total number of aircraft movements at night during these periods.

Mr. Clinton Davis

The number of aircraft movements on runways 28L and 28R at Heathrow between 2300 hours and 0700 hours during the periods in question was as follows:

Department has made of the extent to which the agreement to restrain imports of Japanese-made motor cars into the United Kingdom has benefited British manufacturers and the extent to which it has benefited other importers.

Mr. Meacher

Estimates depend crucially upon the assumptions made about the share which the Japanese could attain in the absence of restraint. However, the Government are under no illusions that it would not rise considerably higher even than their current level, and that this would be primarily at the expense of the British manufactures.