HL Deb 21 March 1978 vol 389 cc1788-9WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Bearing in mind that agriculture should be taken as the basis, and industry as the principal driving force, of the economy of Madacascar, (a) what contribution they are making towards the implementation of the sectoral objectives and assistance requested by the Government of Madagascar from the United Nations Development Programme for the period 1977–1981, and (b) what decisions have been reached regarding bilateral technical assistance and aid following the visit last summer of a small team of experts, led by Mr. C. T. Gerard from the Ministry of Overseas Development.


The Indicative Programme of Development Co-operation, drawn up in Antananarivo in July 1977 by representatives of both Governments contains a number of agricultural projects and also covers activities in the health, social management and small industries fields. This programme has been under active discussion with the Government of Madagascar and experts will be visiting that country in the near future to provide advice on telecommunications, animal health, poultry, sheep rearing and later in the year to assist in a National Seminar on child and material health and welfare. A grant has already been made to enable the Government of Madagascar to buy six trucks, one for each of the provincial depots of the Ministry of Rural Health and Agrarian Reform.

It is expected that expert advice will also be provided on coconut and palm oil refinining, air crash and rescue techniques, meteorology, small industries development (such as leather products and stone cutting), a programme for the handicapped, and activities in the health and social management fields. At present about £60,000 has been spent on the Indicative Programme and it is expected that in the financial year 1978–79 a further £250,000 will be spent. As the Programme will be spread over a number of years it is not possible to give exact financial commitments beyond the next financial year.

The team from the Ministry of Overseas Development was not specifically requested by the Government of Madagascar to make any contribution to activities financed by the United Nations Development Programme.