HC Deb 31 July 1978 vol 955 c96W
Mr. John Evans

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many males are registered for employment in Great Britain at the latest available date; and what were the figures for each year since 1970.

Mr. Golding,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 5th May 1978; Vol. 949, c. 299], gave the following information:

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the number of males registered for employment in Great Britain in March 1978 was 1,070,618. The figures for March each year since 1970 are as follows:—

March 1970 580,595
March 1971 630,756
March 1972 799,588
March 1973 598,744
March 1974 525,134
March 1975 658,928
March 1976 1,029,273
March 1977 1,070,618

All the above figures include both unemployed and still employed registrants.