HC Deb 20 July 1978 vol 954 cc395-6W
Mr. Shersby

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he is aware that long-stay patients at St. John's hospital, Uxbridge, receive only 2 oz of sugar, ½oz of tea, 1 oz of butter and one teaspoon of coffee per day and that total expenditure on food for these patients amounts to only '78p per day; and if he will consider what steps can be taken to improve the quantity of food supplies for these elderly constituents of the hon. Member for Hillingdon, Uxbridge.

Mr. Moyle

As I indicated in my reply to the hon. Member on 25th May 1978 —[Vol. 950, c.713]—the provision of adequate food supplies to hospital inpatients is a matter for the responsible health authority. I understand from the Hillingdon area health authority that the quantities of food quoted relate to supplies issued to wards at St. John's hospital, Uxbridge, in addition to meals provided by the catering department; other items issued include a variety of milk drinks. The expenditure per day and the quantities quoted are broadly in line with departmental guidance.