HC Deb 16 February 1978 vol 944 cc362-4W
Miss Maynard

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what are the figures for the numbers of registered unemployed in Northern Ireland for each of the last 10 years; and how these compare with the figures for unemployment in the Republic of Ireland over the same period.

Mr. Concannon

, pursuant to his reply of 13th February—[Official Report, Vol. 944, col. 89]—gave the following information:

The average numbers of registered unemployed in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for each of the last 10 years were as follows:

Year Number Unemployed in Northern Ireland Numbers Registered Unemployed in the Republic of Ireland
1968 36,406 58,100
1969 36,871 57,000
1970 35,403 64,900
1971 40,364 62,500
1972 40,364 72,000

Year Number Unemployed in Northern Ireland Numbers Registered Unemployed in the Republic of Ireland
1973 31,116 66,600
1974 29,899 72,000
1975 41,950 104,400
1976 54,870 112,800
1977 60,932 111,900

The figures quoted for Northern Ireland are not directly comparable because of differences of definition and in the relevant legislation in the Republic of Ireland. The numbers of registered unemployed in the Republic of Ireland are

£ million
1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 *
1. Social Services† 31
2. Health Services† 15
3. Regional Employment Premium† 8
4. Remoteness Grant (Agriculture) 2 2 2 2
5. Agricultural subsidies paid by Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 36 37 22 32 24
6. National Insurance 26 42 38 56 64
7. Grant in aid 175 199 351 360 480‡
8. Northern Ireland Office—Reserved Services 20 109 152 170 175
9. Refund of VAT 1 4 6 5 5
Total Payments 314 393 571 625 748
* Estimated.
†Incorporated in grant in aid from 1974.
‡Does not include £250 million to cover the redemption of Northern Ireland Electricity Services borrowings.

Military costs are a matter for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for

as published in "OECD—Main Economic Indicators".