- Public Service Contracts 212 words
- Value Added Tax (Tribunal Findings) 41 words
- Nationalisation 155 words
- Building Contractors 72 words
- Agency Workers 639 words
- Earnings (International Comparisons) 207 words
- Public Expenditure 321 words
- Industrial Output 189 words
- Tax Revenue 123 words
- Benefits (Tax Exemption) 105 words
- Money Supply 105 words
- Government Expenditure (Social Wage Content) 93 words
- European Community (Grants and Loans) 134 words
- Industrial Production 2,093 words
- European Community (Court of Auditors) 186 words
- Male Earnings 677 words
- Public Sector Borrowing Requirement 175 words
- Wales (Devolution Expenditure) 123 words
- Income Tax 332 words
- Personal Allowances 154 words
- Quasi-autonomous Non-governmental Organisations 174 words
- Tax Outstanding 81 words
- Uncollected Taxes 243 words