HC Deb 11 November 1977 vol 938 c285W
Mr. Gwynfor Evans

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services by how much he calculates that the population of England. Scotland and Wales, respectively, will have increased by 1991.

Mr. Deakins:

According to the latest population projections, which are based on the provisional mid-1976 figures, the population will increase over the 15 year period 1976–1991 by the following amounts:

Thousands (per cent.)
England 477 1.0
Scotland 79 1.5
Wales 120 4.3

For England and for Scotland these increases mask declines in the first part of the period. Details of the assumptions used in the projections will be published shortly in Population Projections 1976–2016, OPCS, Series PP2 No. 8. Summary statistics were published in OPCS Monitors PP2 77/1 (May 1977) and, for Wales only, PP2 77/2 (November 1977).