HC Deb 21 March 1977 vol 928 cc438-9W
Mr. Churchill

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what has been the net increase or decrease in pay in the current financial year of serving officers earning more than £8,500 per annum living in married quarters and taking account of the rent payable.

Dr. Gilbert

The overall net pay of individual serving officers in the current financial year will have varied according to their personal tax situation, their position on incremental scales, the type of married quarter they occupy and the allowances to which they may be entitled.

The 1976 Armed Forces pay review was debarred by pay policy from awarding any pay supplement to serving officers earning over £8,500 a year. It increased the married quarter charges for all Service personnel to reflect increases in civilian rents. The increase in married quarter charges for officers earning over £8,500 a year ranged from about £109 to £160 a year.

The Armed Forces Pay Review Body, in making its recommendations for pay and charges effective from 1st April 1976 (Cmnd. 6470) recognised that officers whose earnings exceedede £8,500 would face increases in charges without increased remuneration but pointed out that similar circumstances were faced by the rest of the community.

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