HC Deb 17 January 1977 vol 924 cc73-4W
Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) how many children were vaccinated in the MRC trials on whooping-cough vaccine; how many were subjected to follow-up examinations within two or three days of the vaccination; and how many children were found to have suffered adverse reactions during the trials;

(2) if she is satisfied that the vaccine trials were carried out satisfactorily; and if she will make a statement;

(3) on whose authority the records of the MRC's trials into the whooping-cough vaccine were destroyed; and when, and why, they were destroyed.

Mrs. Shirley Williams

The trials in question were carried out in the period 1946–54. On the basis of the results obtained, the then Ministry of Health launched a national campaign for immunisation against whooping-cough. I understand that some 49,000 children were involved, that they were all kept under continuing and regular observation after inoculation, that a representative 20 per cent. sample was followed up in more detail to achieve a more precisely quantified estimate of any reactions to inoculation, and that no evidence was found to suggest anything but transitory reactions.

I am informed that it is customary to destroy the original medical records of such trials when they have not been used for a number of years. Detailed reports of the trials were published in the scientific Press.