HL Deb 23 February 1977 vol 380 c356WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will draw the attention of local authorities in urban areas, both in London and elsewhere, to the recent decision to rehabilitate rather than redevelop Charteris Road in Islington thus rehousing the same number of people at a saving of £3,000,000.

Baroness BIRK

The decision in March 1975 by the Islington London Borough Council followed closely on the issue of Department of the Environment Circular 13/75 that asked local authorities to review their approach to the renewal of older housing.

The Government's views have been expressed on a number of occasions, but I welcome this further opportunity to emphasise that local authorities should give consideration to the rehabilitation and gradual renewal of an area of sub-standard houses, rather than wholesale clearance and redevelopment, wherever this is a practicable and economic proposition.