§ Mr. Corbettasked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will list in the Official Report those organisations which have submitted comments on the report of the Working Party on Dogs; and if he will now state whether it is intended to introduce legislation on the report this Session.
§ Mr. Denis HowellThe following organisations have so far submitted comments on the report of the Working Party on Dogs:
Comments have also been received from a number of individual local authorities and police forces. I am still in consultation over the recommendations in the report, and it is too early to make any statement about implementing them.
- Advisory Committee on Legislation concerning Animals.
- Automobile Association.
- British Alsation Association.
- British Field Sports Society.
- British Medical Association.
- Brtish Small Animal Veterinary Association.
- British Veterinary Association.
- Canine Consultative Council.
- Central Council of Societies in Scotland for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
- Country Landowners Association.
- Environmental Health Association.
273- Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
- Joint Advisory Committee on Pets in Society.
- Kennel Club.
- Laboratory Animals Breeders Association of Great Britain Ltd.
- Laboratory Animals Science Association.
- National Dog Owners' Association.
- National Farmers' Union.
- National Save Our Pets Association.
- National Sheep Association.
- Northern Counties Horse Protection Society,
- P.R.O. Dogs.
- Royal Automobile Club.
- Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
- Royal Sanitary Association of Scotland.
- Scottish Landowners Federation.
- Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- Police Federation of England and Wales.
- Police Superintendents' Association of England and Wales.
- Association of County Councils.
- Association of District Councils.
- New Towns Association.