HC Deb 16 December 1977 vol 941 cc509-10W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what is the current ad valorem duty on tinned salmon from Canada, tinned pineapple from Malaysia, tinned stewing beef from Australia, and tinned peach slices from the United States of America; and what is the current duty in pence per unit weight of each item.

Mr. Meacher

The currentad valorem duties are as follows:

per cent.
Tinned salmon from Canada 7
Tinned stewing beef from Australia 26
*Tinned pineapples from Malaysia:
Containing added spirit 25.6
Not containing added spirit:
Containing added sugar:
in immediate packings of a net capacity:
of more than 1 kg. 17.6
of 1 kg. or less 19.2
Not containing added sugar 18.4
*Under the EEC's Generalised System of Preferences for developing countries for 1977, of which Malaysia is a beneficiary, tinned pineapple containing added spirit is subject to a special rate of duty of 8 per cent. Preserved pineapple in slices, half slices or spirals, not containing added spirit, is subject to a special rate of 12 per cent. within a quota. The United Kingdom share of the quota is 2,430 tonnes. For preserved pineapple other than in slices, half slices or spirals, not containing added spirit the rate within a quota is 9.6 per cent. and the United Kingdom share of the quota is 24,912 tonnes. If a quota becomes exhausted before the end of the year the rates of duty shown above would apply.
per cent.
Tinned peaches from USA:
Containing added spirit:
Containing added sweetening matter 26.8
other 25.6
Not containing added spirit:
Containing added sugar:
In immediate packings of a net capacity:
Of more than 1 kg. 18.8
Of 1 kg. or less 20.4
Not containing added sugar:
In immediate packings of a net capacity:
Of 4.5 kg. or more 15.2
Of less than 4.5 kg. 18.4

None of the duties on these items is expressed in value per unit weight.