- Smoke Canisters 70 words
- Ex-Nazi Stormtroop Officers 262 words
- Cruelty to Animals (Inspectors) 212 words
- Firemen 601 words
- Police 253 words
- Boundary Commissions (Reports) 62 words
- Fire Service (Dispute) 387 words
- Criminal Law Act 1977 (Implementation) 92 words
- Remanded Persons 75 words
- Illegal Immigrants 640 words
- Transkei and Bophuthatswana Travel Documents 40 words
- Public Appointments 110 words
- "Morning Star" (Advertisement) 32 words
- Fire Precautions (Advertisement) 87 words
- Cypriot Refugees 94 words
- Immigration 61 words
- Deportation 862 words
- Immigrants 390 words
- Student Unions 88 words
- Overseas Students 66 words