HL Deb 23 June 1976 vol 372 c424WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

To what extent marinas and small ports offering yacht moorings and not covered by permanent immigration and Customs centres, are controlled to prevent the illegal landing of animals capable of spreading rabies.


: There is no part of the coast which is not covered by a Customs office, although many places are some distance from an office and the Customs work is carried out by mobile staff.

In addition to Customs, several agencies play their part in controls to prevent the illegal landing of animals. These are the local authorities through their diseases of animals inspectors, the police, port and harbour authorities and marina owners. In order to improve and facilitate the enforcement of controls, many local and port authorities, as well as marina owners, are introducing local regulations and safeguards, such as quarantine moorings and the banning of boats with animals on board from certain areas, to suit particular circumstances.

House adjourned at six minutes past nine o'clock.