HL Deb 23 June 1976 vol 372 cc418-24WA

asked Her Majesty's Government :

How much each region of the United Kingdom has received in grant each year since accession from :

  1. (a) the Regional Development Fund
  2. (b) ECSC Research (Article 55)
  3. (c) ECSC Retraining (Article 56)
  4. (d) Social Fund (Articles 4 and 5)
  5. (e) other Social Fund schemes
  6. (f) FEOGA; and
  7. (g) miscellaneous Research and other grants of the EEC.


: Details of receipts are not available in the form requested for all the categories listed. The information which is available is as follows:

(a) Regional Development Fund

Region 1973 1974 1975 Total
Northern Ireland 0.296 0.296
East Midlands 0.011 0.011
Total 0.307 0.307
The Regional Development Fund was not set up until 1975 and no payments were received until December 1975.

(b) ECSC Research (Article 55)

Figures are not available on a regional basis for research grants by the ECSC. The totals for the United Kingdom were as follows:

£ million
1973 1974 1975 Total
Steel 0.460 0.658 0.897 1.601
Coal 1.185 1.806 2.991
The figures for steel are the United Kingdom's allocations. The amounts actually received are not available as payments are made direct to individual recipients.

(c) ECSC Retraining (Article 56)

Figures for coal under Article 56 are not available on a regional basis. The only payments received so far by the United Kingdom is £4.250 million in 1975. The figures for steel are as follows:

£ million
Regional 1973 1974 1975 Total
Wales 0.006 0.006
Yorkshire and Humberside 0.020 0.070 0.090
West Midlands 0.016 0.005 0.021
East Midlands 0.131 0.034 0.165
Northern England 0.055 0.055
North West England 0.545 0.545
Total 0.167 0.715 0.882

(d) Social Fund (Articles 4 and 5)

Figures are not available on a regional basis for the Social Fund but the estimated percentages by country are:

England 51 per cent.
Scotland 21 per cent.
Wales 12 per cent.
Northern Ireland 16 per cent.

The payments received by the United Kingdom are:

1973 1974 1975 Total
16.098 19.281 35.379

(e) Other Social Fund Schemes

Figures are only available by country. These are as follows:

£ million
1973 1974 1975 Total
England 0.011 0.042 0.053
Scotland 0.003 0.005 0.008
Northern Ireland 0.001 0.001
Total 0.014 0.048 0.062


It is not practicable to analyse receipts from the Guarantee Section of FEOGA in respect of market support and regulation on a regional basis. The only figures available on a regional basis for the Guidance Section of FEOGA are for receipts in respect of individual projects.

The amounts received are as follows:

Regional 1973 1974 1975
Northern England 0.053
Yorkshire and Humberside 0.442
East Midlands 0.111
West Midlands 0.401
East Anglia 0.348
South East England 0.042
Scotland 0.692
Northern Ireland 0.207
Total 2.296
The total amount received by the United Kingdom for common and special measures under the Guidance Section was £4900 million in 1975.

(g) Miscellaneous research and other grants

£ million
Region 1973 1974 1975 Total
North-West England 0.091 0.071 0.162
South-East England 0.925 1.385 1.916 4.226
Scotland 0.103 0.103
Total 1 028 1.476 1.987 4.491


asked Her Majesty's Government:

How much each region of the United Kingdom has received in loans each year since accession from:

  1. (a) The European Investment Bank;
  2. (b) ECSC Industrial Loans (Articles 54 and 56);
  3. (c) ECSC Housing Loans (Article 56); and
  4. (d) Hydrocarbons; of the EEC.


(a) European Investment Bank

£ million
Region 1973 1974 1975 1976 Total
to date
Scotland .075 15.397 74.097 37.700 127.269
Wales 14.900 8.200 17.574 .200 40.874
Northern Ireland 2.500 .150 2.650
N-E England 14.700 15.600 22.337 4.000 56.637
N-W England .270 9.000 9.270
S-W England 25.900 25.900
S-E England 7.000 7.000
Yorkshire and Humberside 12.000 1.600 13.600
Midlands 11.600 11.600

The following loans are not included in the above calculations:

1. A £10.4 million loan made in 1974 for the development of the Frigg Gas Field in the North Sea.

2. Loans totalling £47.8 million made in 1975 to the British Gas Corporation for the construction of a natural gas transmissions system to permit deliveries of gas from the Frigg field in the North Sea, for which a precise regional breakdown is not available.

3. A £7.2 million loan made in 1975 to the National Coal Board for the extension and modernisation of coal mines in Yorkshire and South Wales, for which a precise regional breakdown is not available.

4. A £17.5 million loan made in 1975 to the Post Office for the modernisation and extension of the telecommunications network in Wales and the adjoining counties in England covered by the Wales and The Marches Telecommunications Board, for which a precise regional breakdown is not available.

(b) ECSC Industrial Loans (Articles 54 and 56)

For loans made to the steel industry the figures are:

Article 54 £ million
1973 1974 1975 1976
(to date)
Yorks and Humberside 26.95 36.7 30.0
N-W England 2.3
Northern England 0.8 185.0
Wales 35.0 27.0
Scotland 6.0

Article 56 £ million
1973 1974 1975 1976
(to date)
Scotland 15.0
Wales 15.55 2.2
Northern England 0.765 6.9
North-West England 5.1
Loans to Finance for Industry 10.0

For the coal industry the National Coal Board negotiates ECSC loans either for national projects (e.g. for " pools " of plant and equipment) or for colliery modernisation projects at groups of pits. The figures cannot therefore be broken down by regions but the NCB has received the following loans to date:

£ million
Article 54 (Industrial) 1973
1974 17.858
1975 71.115
1976 32.328 (to date)
Article 54 (Housing) 1973
1974 0.986
1975 0.650
1976 0.030 (to date)

(c)ECSC Housing Loans (Article 56)

The only housing loans that the National Coal Board has received are those referred to above under Article 54.

(d) Hydrocarbons of the EEC

Loans under the Community projects in the Hydrocarbons sector (R/3056/73) are between the EEC and individual firms, and Her Majesty's Government do not have details of arrangements made by the Commission or of their regional distribution. Loans of up to £8.1 million have been authorised by the Council for British firms.


asked Her Majesty's Government:

What percentage (i) Scotland and (ii) Wales has received of the total United Kingdom allocation from:

  1. (a) the Regional Development Fund;
  2. (b) ECSC Research (Article 55);
  3. (c) ECSC Research (Article 56);
  4. (d) Social Fund (Articles 4 and 5);
  5. (e) other Social Fund schemes;
  6. (f) FEOGA; and
  7. (g) miscellaneous Research and other grants of the EEC.


: The information in relation to receipts in the period from 1st January 1973 to 31st December 1975 is as follows:

Scotland Per cent of total receipts Wales Per cent of total receipts
(a)Regional Development Fund
(b)ECSC Research Article 55)
(c)ECSC Research (Article 56) 0.7
(d) Social Fund (Articles 4 and 5) 21 12
(e)Other Social Fund Schemes 13
(f) FEOGA Guidance Sections, individual Schemes 30
(g) Miscellaneous research and other grants 2
  1. (a) This Fund was set up in 1975 and the first payments from it were only made in December 1975.
  2. (b) Grants are negotiated on a national basis and an analysis of receipts to individual parts of the United Kingdom is not possible.
  3. (c) Some payments are made on a national basis and it is not therefore possible to attribute all receipts to individual parts of the United Kingdom.
  4. (f) Payments from the Guarantee Section of FEOGA and payments in respect of common measures for structural reform from the Guidance Section of FEOGA are made on a national basis. It is not therefore possible to attribute receipts from those sections of the budget to individual parts of the United Kingdom.


asked Her Majesty's Government:

What percentage (i) Scotland and (ii) Wales has received of the total United Kingdom allocation from:

  1. (a) The European Investment Bank;
  1. (b) ECSC Industrial Loans (Articles 54 and 56);
  2. (c) ECSC Housing Loans (Article 56) and
  3. (d)Hydrocarbons; of the EEC.


(a) European Investment Bank

(i) Scotland 33 per cent.
(ii) Wales 11 per cent.

Figures are approximate and are subject to the following qualifications:

1. The figure for Scotland does not take account of loans totalling £47.8 million made in 1975 to the British Gas Corporation for the construction of a natural gas transmission system to permit deliveries of gas from the Frigg field in the North Sea, for which a precise regional breakdown is not available.

2. A £10.4 million loan made in 1974 for the development of the Frigg gas field in the North Sea is not included in the calculations.

3. The figure for Wales does not take account of a £7.2 million loan made in 1975 to the National Coal Board for the extension and modernisation of coal mines in Yorkshire and South Wales, for which a precise breakdown between the two regions is not available.

4. The figure for Wales does not take account of a £17.5 million loan made in 1975 to the Post Office for the modernisation and extension of the telecommunications network in Wales and the adjoining counties in England covered by the Wales and The Marches Telecommunications Board. Although it is expected that most of the loan will benefit Wales, a precise breakdown between the two regions is not available.

(b) ECSC Industrial Loans (Articles 54 and 56)

Figures are not available on a regional basis for all the industrial loans made under Articles 54 and 56. For loans made to the steel industry the figures are:

Scotland Wales
Article 54 1.7 per cent. 17.7 per cent.
Article 56 27.0 per cent. 32.0 per cent.

(c) ECSC Housing Loans (Article 56)/

The housing loans received by the National Coal Board are those under Article 54 and are not available on a regional basis.

(d) Hydrocarbons of the EEC

None as yet. No Welsh company has applied for a loan. Two Scottish firms have made successful applications, but details of the loans are still being negotiated.