HC Deb 12 February 1976 vol 905 cc338-9W
Mrs. Wise

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what figures are available as to the effect of increased fuel charges on the budgets of retirement pensioners.

Mr. Booth

The available information relates only to pensioners of limited means—namely, those covered by the retail prices indices for one and for two person pensioner households. Details of the budgets of such households for the 12 months to June 1975 were published

One person pensioner house holds Two person pensioner households General index households
Fuel and light All items excluding housing Fuel and light All items excluding housing Fuel and light All items excluding housing
1974 183 1,000 126 1,000 59 1,000
1975 188 1,000 131 1,000 59 1,000
Indices taking 15th January 1974=100
1974 Fourth quarter 118.9 114.2 119.1 114.1 119.6 116.1
1975 Fourth quarter 160.6 145.0 161.3 144.4 162.8 145.7