HC Deb 13 December 1976 vol 922 cc479-81W

6. Before disconnecting for debt, the industries will take steps to:—

  1. (a) remind the consumer that supply will be continued if he enters into and keeps arrangements for regular payments, including a budget payments plan, or that he can have a prepayment meter where it is safe and practical. In either case the arrangements must be such as to ensure clearance of arrears within a reasonable period having regard to all the circumstances of the case including the financial circumstances of the household where these are made known to the industries' staff;
  2. (b) request the consumer to tell the industries and the Local Social Security Office or the Social Services Department of the Local Authority at once if he falls into one of the following four categories of possible hardship:—
    1. (i) the person on whom the household depends is on Supplementary Benefit;
    2. (ii) the family is in receipt of Family Income Supplement;
    3. (iii) the breadwinner is registered as unemployed;
    4. (iv) the family contains children under the age of five years.

Additions to this list may be made from time to time following consultation with the Government. 7. The consumer has the right to privacy, and representatives of the industries must not be expected to pry into personal affairs. However, if the consumer indicates his intention to make an approach to the Local Social Security Office or Social Services Department the industries will notify the appropriate agency. Premises will not be disconnected within 14 days after notification has been made to the Local Social Security Office or Social Services Department or such longer period as consideration of the case (including any appeal) may require. 8. Disconnection will not take place:—

  1. (a) where satisfactory arrangements have been made and adhered to under the terms of paragraph 6(a);
  2. (b) if, at the time of the disconnector's visit, it appears that new circumstances have arisen which would make it inappropriate to disconnect. Such cases will be referred back to local offices.
9. Premises will not be disconnected between the beginning of October and the end of March where it is shown that all members of a household in receipt of income are pensioners over statutory retirement pensionable age, unless it is clear that they have adequate financial resources. 10. In addition to the foregoing safeguards, the Industries will not disconnect without calling at the premises to ensure that there is a responsible adult present, unless acting with a warrant. They will not disconnect for hire purchase debts or any debt other than for sums due in respect of the supply of gas or electricitly. Nor will they disconnect for debts due from a previously registered consumer, for example in bona fide cases of desertion. 11. Disconnection will take place only where payment is overdue and:
  1. (a) the consumer fails to enter into a special payment arrangement as set out in paragraph 6(a);
  2. (b) the consumer has failed to keep to a special payment arrangement already entered into;
  3. (c) the Local Social Security Office or Social Services Department decide that a case referred under paragraph 6(b) does not qualify for assistance;
  4. (d) the case is not otherwise covered by paragraphs 8, 9 or 10.

Security Deposits 12. Security deposits will normally be required only from short stay occupants or persistent bad payers and will be waived, subject to arrangements to ensure clearance of any arrears:

  1. (a) where a prepayment meter is installed;
  2. (b) where an acceptable credit reference of a guarantor is provided;
  3. (c) where the consumer accepts a budget scheme and adheres to it.

Consumers are reminded that they have the right to seek arbitration on the amount of the deposit; details will be given when requesting a deposit.

Consultative Councils and Advice 13. A consumer who requires further information or has difficulty in interpreting the Code should consult his local Electricity or Gas office. Consumers are reminded that there is in every area an Electricity Consultative Council or Gas Consumers' Council to whom, if necessary, representation may be made about the way in which the Code is operated in individual cases. Advice can also be sought from Citizens' Advice Bureaux or Consumer Advice Centres, A continuous assessment of the working of this Code will of course take place.