HC Deb 13 December 1976 vol 922 cc478-9W

A Code of Practice

General 1. Clearly gas and electricity supplies must be paid for and the industries have a duty to see that bills are settled promptly, for this helps to keep down costs and therefore prices. However, it is the concern of both Government and the industries that the necessary procedures for the settlement of fuel bills should be seen to be reasonable and applied with understanding where there is hardship; to this end, the following Code of Practice has been agreed, and it is intended to circulate it widely.

Payment Methods 2. A range of pay-as-you-go methods is available to assist consumers with personal budgeting; these include regular budget payment schemes; purchase of gas or electricity savings stamps; and other flexible arrangements to enable consumers to make payments in advance against their next bill. The availability of some schemes is not let complete in every part of the country, but the industries are working towards this as rapidly as possible. 3. In cases of genuine hardship where other payment arrangements are not appropriate, the industries will provide to any consumer on request a prepayment meter provided it is safe and practical. Consumers are reminded, however, that they would be charged on the prepayment tariff. 4. The industries will continue to give publicity to available payment methods and consumers are invited to contact their Electricity or Gas showrooms or local offices for details.

Advice 5. Anyone who expects difficulty in paying bills due to special circumstances should immediately seek advice from Electricity or Gas showrooms or local offices on how payment can best be effected. Advice will also be given on the economical operation of installations. Staff are available who can give advice and help to a consumer who is in difficulties. The industries stress the importance of seeking early advice because the earlier the warning, the better the prospect of finding a reasonable solution which avoids the need for further recovery action.