HL Deb 14 April 1976 vol 369 cc2246-7WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether he has any further proposals to assist small firms, particularly with problems related to the day-to-day runing of their businesses.


Yes, my Lords. This year I shall be establishing a pilot counselling service in one of our regions under which we shall retain retired executives who will be available to discuss problems in depth with the managers of small businesses. Under this scheme, initial discussions will be free of charge, but any subsequent more detailed counselling will be paid for by the user. The counsellor's job will be to help owner-managers diagnose and solve their own problems; or to select appropriate sources of more detailed advice. In the light of the experience we gain with the pilot project, I hope to extend this service throughout the country over the next three years. Arrangements in Scotland and Wales may of course be different bearing in mind the role of the Development Agencies.

I have also decided that for a period of two years my Department will contribute half the cost up to a maximum in any one case of £5,000 of feasibility studies undertaken with a view to establishing inter-firm collaborative arrangements. A sum of £100,000 will be available over the two years for this purpose.

Thirdly, my Department, in association with the Department of Education and Science and the Training Services Agency, will be carrying out a review of the management education needs of small businesses, and the facilities available to meet these needs. The object of this review is to see whether ways and means can be devised of helping small firms to improve their administrative skills by methods which are acceptable to businessmen and make the best use of existing facilities and resources.

Further details of these schemes are set out in a document, copies of which I have arranged to place in the Libraries of both Houses; copies are also available from the Printed Paper Office and the Vote Office.