HC Deb 11 November 1975 vol 899 cc602-3W
Mr. Fairbairn

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what progress he has made in studying the Scottish Office's estimates with a view to making economies.

Mr. William Ross

The estimates made by the Scottish Office represent the most economic way of carrying out Government policies, though, of course, I am always alive to any opportunity of achieving further economies.

Mr. Fairbairn

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will transfer an official from his present duties in the Scottish Office with a view to seeking out possible areas where economies can be made in the Scottish Office's spending, and for the formulation of plans for implementing economies and reducing staff.

Mr. William Ross

I am already arranging for the strengthening of the staff inspection teams in my Departments whose duty is to assist management to secure the economical use of staff. Part of their work is to identify areas where staff reductions are possible. In addition all my staff have standing instructions to be vigilant in their search for economy in administration having regard to the duties placed on them by Parliament and public expectations of service.