HC Deb 26 March 1975 vol 889 cc198-9W
Dr. John A. Cunningham

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what action she now proposes to take to follow up the Report of the Working Party on the Remedial Professions.

Mrs. Castle

From the comments I have received on the report, which was widely circulated, I am satisfied that it can form the basis of further development in the remedial professions. I therefore met representatives of the professions concerned, of the Council of the Professions Supplementary to Medicine and of the Staff Side of the Professional and Technical Whitley Council 'A' on 12th February 1975. I invited them each to nominate representatives to join a coordinating committee that I am setting up to monitor action on the report and encourage further discussion, research and experiment. I am happy to say that this invitation was accepted by all, and the first meeting was held on 17th March.

The terms of reference of the coordinating committee are: To consider the recommendations of the Report of the Working Party on the Remedial Professions in the light of observations made on the Report; and to suggest further action which might be taken, inside or outside the Department to implement those recommendations on which there is general agreement and to continue discussion on those which are not acceptable to all the parties concerned.