- Drugs 104 words
- Retirement Pensions 142 words
- Child Benefits 199 words
- Family Income 84 words
- Alcoholism 144 words
- Unemployment Benefit 118 words
- Fire Precautions and Accidents (Hospitals) 110 words
- Departmental Forms and Publications 174 words
- Benefits (European Community Nationals) 48 words
- Family Allowances 236 words
- USSR Reciprocal Agreement (Medical Treatment) 147 words
- Child Care Costs 112 words
- Benefits (Publicity Costs) 95 words
- Tied Housing (Hospitals) 372 words
- Mentally Handicapped Persons 107 words
- National Health Service Pensions 212 words
- Mobility Allowance 55 words
- Herbs and Homeopathic Remedies 291 words
- Psychiatric Patients (Juveniles) 1,402 words
- Widows 64 words
- Supplementary Benefits 300 words
- Holmfirth (Departmental Office) 87 words
- Dentists 449 words
- Computer Centre and Redhill Hospital 167 words
- Redhill General Hospital 95 words
- Hospital Emergency Cases (Surrey) 376 words
- Gatwick Airport 100 words