HC Deb 24 May 1974 vol 874 cc311-2W
Mr. Tom King

asked the Secretary of State for Industry what proportion of the moneys spent on investment grants in 1969–70, 1970–71, 1971–72, 1972–73, 1973–74 went to operations in the assisted regions.

Mr. Gregor Mackenzie

Investment grants were paid at standard rates for Great Britain with enhanced rates for the development areas.

44 per cent. of grant paid on plant and machinery, computers and mining works in 1969–70 was at the development area rates; 48 per cent. in 1970–71; 46 per cent. in 1971–72; and 57 per cent. in 1972–73. Details for 1973–74 will be published in the annual report under the Industry Act 1972.

These percentages exclude grants paid in the intermediate areas at the standard rates; separate figures are not available.