HC Deb 22 July 1974 vol 877 cc372-3W
44. Mr. Ronald Atkins

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what are the energy factors per ton-mile moved for transport by road, diesel rail and electrified rail.

Mr. Mulley

The energy input to a fully loaded vehicle or train per ton-mile of freight falls within the following ranges:

Mr. Crosland

Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 the new attendance allowance is payable to councillors in respect of the performance of an approved duty. It is not dependent upon loss of earnings or the incurring of expenses and the change proposed by the hon. Member could be achieved only by legislation. Attendance allowance has been payable only since 1st April. Nevertheless I am concerned at some of the reports reaching me which suggest the possibility of abuse of the system. I am determined to protect the good reputation of the vast majority of local authority representatives and, therefore, intend to consult with the associations later in the year, when further practical experience has been gained, on the general operation of the attendance allowance and on the amounts being claimed by councillors.