HC Deb 05 November 1973 vol 863 c94W
Mr. Michael Cocks

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list the hospital authorities which carried out the six independent inquiries into complaints during 1971, being the most recent year for which figures are available.

Sir K. Joseph

Two were set up by the Leeds Regional Hospital Board, one each by Sheffield Regional Hospital Board and the Board of Governors of the Charing Cross Group. The other two were set up by the Welsh Hospital Board.

Mr. Michael Cocks

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many written complaints were received by hospital authorities for each year from 1962 to the latest available date; and, of these, what percentage and number were investigated by officers only, members and independent inquiry, respectively.

Sir K. Joseph

This information was not collected centrally before 1967. The available figures (for England and Wales) are:

which has been sent to him, he will indicate to all local authorities the advantages of having an architect working full-time with their social services departments on adaptations and alterations to the homes of the disabled.

Mr. Channon

I welcome the report, which will add usefully to the knowledge available. Questions of staffing and specific appointments are matters for the authorities concerned. But a circular my Department will shortly be issuing will emphasise the importance of close working arrangements between housing departments, including architects, and social service departments.