HC Deb 23 July 1973 vol 860 cc299-300W
Mr. Raison

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what steps have been taken to establish a chief scientist's organisation in his Department.

Sir K. Joseph

The post of Chief Scientist was created on 1st October 1972 and Professor Sir Douglas Black was appointed from 1st April 1973. He also serves my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Wales. A small team of scientists have been invited to form the Chief Scientist's Research Committee and to assist the Chief Scientist part-time with his main tasks of identifying areas for which research is required; ensuring that the research requirements are clearly stated; and reviewing the balance of the Department's research and development programme. The Chief Scientist's Research Committee will be supported by a number of more specialist groups, each of which will include members of the CSRC, to advise on particular aspects of the research programme. These supporting groups will include a Health Services Research Board to advise on research and development in health services generally, a personal social services group to advise on research and development of personal social services and a Panel on Medical Research to advise on Health Department commissions of the MRC in the field of biomedical research. The Health Services Research Board and the Panel on Medical Research will serve for England, Wales and Scotland and, therefore, will also include the Chief Scientist of the Scottish Home and Health Department, Sir Andrew Kay, and some of his advisers.

The initial appointments to my Chief Scientist's Research Committee are set out below. A Director of Social Services is being invited to join the committee and further appointments will be made to the supporting groups or to the committee itself in due course. The committee will, by its links with the research councils and the scientific community, ensure that appropriate scientific advice of all relevant disciplines is made available to the Department.

Professor A. L. Cochrane, Director, MRC Epidemiology Unit (South Wales); President, Faculty of Community Medicine.

Professor D. V. Donnison, Director, Centre for Environmental Studies.

Sir John Gray, Secretary, Medical Research Council.

R. Huws Jones, Esq., Consultant to the Rowntree Foundation.

Dr. A. J. lane, Senior Administrative Medical Officer, Manchester Regional Hospital Board.

Professor D. S. Lees, Professor of Industrial Economics, University of Nottingham; Chairman, National Insurance Advisory Committee.

Professor J. N. Morris, Professor of Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Director, MRC Social Medicine Unit.

Professor J. G. Robson, Professor of Anaesthetics, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith.

Professor G. A. Smart, Director, British Postgraduate Medical Federation; Chairman, Advisory Committee on Medical Computing.

Professor Alwyn Smith, Professor of Social and Preventive Medicine. University of Manchester.

Miss Olive Stevenson, Reader in Applied Social Studies, Department of Social and Administrative Studies, Oxford.

Professor J. Tizard, Professor in Child Development, Institute of Education, London.

Professor Alan H. William. Professor of Economic Policy University of York.

Professor Robert E. O. Williams, Medical Director elect. Public Health Laboratory Service.

Dr. Kathleen J. W. Wilson, Nursing Research Liaison Officer, Birmingham.

Professor J. K. Wing, Professor of Social Psychiatry, London; Director, MRC Social Psychiatry Unit.