HL Deb 19 July 1973 vol 344 cc1496-7WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

  1. (i) whether they are aware that the waiting period between obtaining a job and obtaining housing, is now at least six months, in the new and expanding towns serving London;
  2. (ii) what steps they, the Greater London Council and the New Town Authorities are taking to increase and accelerate their building programmes;
  3. (iii) whether consideration is being given to releasing more land in New Towns to housing associations.


The answers to the noble Lord's questions are:

  1. (i) Waiting periods vary between one town and another. In nearly half the expanding towns serving London where house-building is currently taking place, houses are available almost immediately; and in nearly all of them the waiting period is less than six months. In half the New Towns serving London where house-building is currently taking place, the waiting period is between six months and twelve months, but in the remainder it is six months or less.
  2. (ii) In the New Towns serving London over twice as many houses have been started in the first five months of this year as in the same period last year, and nearly three times as many as in the same period of 1971, with the result that there are now nearly 2,000 more houses under construction in those towns than there were a year ago. In the Expanding Towns the number of houses under construction is currently at about the same level as last year but I understand that there will be a significant increase in the near future.
  3. (iii) Further advice has just been issued to New Town Development Corporations asking them to make more sites available to housing associations.