- Training 86 words
- Building Industry 287 words
- Birmingham 35 words
- Departmental headquarters (Relocation) 94 words
- National Industrial Relations Court 101 words
- Health Hazards 83 words
- Picketing 111 words
- Placings 88 words
- Earnings and Prices 44 words
- Unfair Dismissal (Complaints) 77 words
- Youth Employment Service 204 words
- Professional and Executive Service 42 words
- Scotland 138 words
- Rockware Glass, Greenford 82 words
- Fine Tubes, Plymouth 73 words
- Mechanical Engineering (Production Methods) 66 words
- Vacancies 46 words
- Trade Union Rights 83 words
- Factory Inspectors 39 words
- Gas Industry 94 words
- Longer-Term Prospects 80 words
- Community Industry 99 words
- Doctors (Insurance Cover) 139 words
- Fishing Certificate Course 111 words
- Industrial Disputes (Lost Working Days) 47 words
- Industrial Accidents (Cheadle) 73 words
- Leek 166 words
- Portsmouth 111 words