HC Deb 25 May 1972 vol 837 cc445-6W
Mr. Bishop

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) what representations she has received asking her to move for a Select Committee to inquire into her plan to increase teachers' superannuation contributions; and what reply she has sent;

(2) what representations have been made to her by the National Association of Schoolmasters regarding the proposal by Her Majesty's Government to increase teachers' superannuation contributions; and what reply she has sent.

Mr. van Straubenzee

No direct representations have been made to my right hon. Friend, but in the working party under departmental chairmanship which is at present reviewing the teachers' superannuation schemes the representatives of the National Association of Schoolmasters have dissented from the proposal to increase teachers' contributions and have suggested that a Select Committee would be a suitable body to inquire into the future of the schemes.

In addition, right hon. and hon. Members have referred to my right hon. Friend similar representations which they have received from local branches of the association. In her replies she is making some or all of the following points:

  1. (a) substantially improved benefits are on offer from 1st April, 1972, including a single integrated scheme covering also family benefits, which will enable the existing wholly teacher-financed scheme to be wound up;
  2. (b) the actuarial assessment of the "new entrant's contribution" required to finance these benefits has not been seriously challenged;
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  4. (c) the employers have offered to bear more than half this sum, together with the whole extra cost of providing the new benefits for teachers now in service;
  5. (d) some increase in the teacher's contribution is therefore reasonable:
  6. (e) the financial basis of !he teachers' superannuation fund does not affect the proposed new contribution rate, which was actuarilly determined on the assumption of a fund with average performance;
  7. (f) a major change in the financial basis would not be of advantage to the teachers themselves;
  8. (g) she does not think it appropriate that these matters should be referred to a Select Committee. The working party is already engaged on a review of all aspects of the teachers' superannuation scheme.