HC Deb 26 June 1972 vol 839 cc262-4W
Mr. Weitzman

asked the Attorney-General how many cases have been brought since 1962 in which there were one or more counts in the indictment alleging a conspiracy to corrupt public morals or a conspiracy to cause a public mischief; and in how many of such cases there was prior consultation with his Department before these cases were brought.

The Attorney-General

Since 1962 there have been 39 cases in which there were one or more counts in the indictment alleging a conspiracy to corrupt public morals. Thirty-two of these were successful.

There have been 16 cases in which one or more counts alleged conspiracy to cause a public mischief, but none of these relates to obscenity. The Director of Public Prosecutions has consulted me, or my predecessor, whenever he thought it necessary to do so.

Mr. Gorst

asked the Attorney-General to what extent the assurances given to Parliament on 3rd June, 1964, are now taken into account in prosecutions for conspiracy to corrupt public morals; and to what extent the Director of Public Prosecutions has been consulted in past cases.

The Attorney-General

The assurances which were given to Parliament during the passage of the Obscene Publications Act, 1964, are always taken into account by the Director of Public Prosecutions when he considers whether to charge a person with conspiracy to corrupt public morals in cases in which publication of an article is in issue. The Director has, so far as he is aware, been consulted in all such cases, in accordance with the provisions of the Prosecution of Offences Regulations, 1946.

Mr. Gorst

asked the Attorney-General how many successful prosecutions for conspiracies to corrupt public morals, following the decision in Shaw's case, have been instituted since 1962; in respect of what publications these prosecutions were instituted; and what were the pleas in each case.

The Attorney-General

Since 1962 there have been 32 successful prosecutions for conspiracies to corrupt public morals, as follows:

1962 nil
1963 nil
1964 nil
1965 13
1966 14
1967 3
1968 1
1969 1
1970 nil
1971 nil
1972 nil

Two of these prosecutions related to a named newspaper, magazine, book or catalogue, namely "Black Panther and Pleasure Primer", 1966, and "International Times", 1969, respectively; in the first case three defendants pleaded guilty and in the second four defendants pleaded not guilty.