§ Mr. George Cunninghamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment approximately what percentage of local authority housing schemes approved by his Department in 1972 made use of the 10 per cent. tolerance on the housing, cost yardstick at the time of approval.
§ Mr. ChannonIn the first three quarters of this year 32 per cent. of schemes were within the yardstick and 68 per 317W cent. made use of the tolerance, the average use of tolerance being a little over 5 per cent.
§ Mr. George Cunninghamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is his estimate of the increase in land and building costs in inner London since the housing cost yardsticks were last increased.
§ Mr. ChannonThe cost yardstick for new housebuilding does not cover land costs which are separately reckonable for subsidy purposes. As to building costs, as my right hon. Friend the former Secretary of State for the Environment said during the debate on housing and land on 2nd November, tender prices have been found to vary widely between and within regions. That is why no general yardstick increase has been made and we are considering special allowances for individual schemes in areas of particular stress where local market conditions make this necessary.
§ Mr. George Cunninghamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many local authority housing schemes in inner London have been approved by his Department, where costs have been in excess of the housing cost yardstick plus 10 per cent. tolerance.
§ Mr. ChannonInner London authorities have been allowed to proceed with 13 such schemes this year.