- Food Prices (Greater London) 54 words
- Sugar-free Foods (Diabetics) 84 words
- White Fish Authority 128 words
- Soft Drinks (Additives Labelling Regulations) 83 words
- Sugar Beet 96 words
- Cereals (Imports) 86 words
- Foul Brood 65 words
- Dutch Elm Disease 380 words
- Meat (Use of Hormones) 119 words
- Foodstuffs (Place of Origin) 196 words
- Decimalisation (Profiteering) 120 words
- C.B.I. (Price Increase Restrictions) 46 words
- Bread (Price) 52 words
- European Economic Community 112 words
- Food Prices 60 words
- Livestock Subsidies 91 words
- Cereals Levy Scheme 110 words