HC Deb 10 March 1970 vol 797 cc283-4W
Mr. Hugh D. Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will give

1 2 3 4
Main categories of teacher Present Scale Proposed Scale Percentage Increases
Min. Max. Min. Max. Range Average
£ £ £ £
First and second class honours graduates in secondary schools 1,125–2,125 in 11 steps 1,300–2,355 in 11 steps 10.2–15.6 11.2
Third class honours graduates in secondary schools. 1,075–2,125 in 13 steps 10.8–23.3 15.3
Ordinary graduates and practical and aesthetic equivalents in secondary schools. 1,015–1,795 in 13 steps 1,175–2,080 in 13 steps 13.5–15.9 15.2
Well-qualified teachers of practical and aesthetic subjects 910–1,690 in 13 steps 21.6–29.1 23.1
Ordinary and honours graduates in primary schools. 910–1,690 in 13 steps 1,025–1,880 in 13 steps 10.1–12.6 11.1
Teachers of physical education in seconday schools. 830–1,690 in 15 steps 11.2–24.3 13.8
Less well-qualified teachers of practical and aesthetic subjects (mainly music) and 4-year trained primary teachers. 840–1,575 in 15 steps 19.4–29.2 21.4
Practical and aesthetic teachers with other qualifications in secondary schools. 780–1,515 in 15 steps 24.1–35.2 28.3
3-year trained primary teachers 780–1,515 in 15 steps 980–1,690 in 15 steps 11.1–25.6 15.0
1 2 3 4
Main categories of teacher Present Scale Proposed Scale Percentage Increases
Min. Max. Min. Max. Range Average
£ £ £ £
All first class honours graduates, and other teachers in Grade I posts. 1,270–2,345 in 11 steps 1,400–2,580 in 11 steps 10.0–10.5 10.1
Third class honours graduates in Grade II or Grade III posts. 1,220–2,345 in 13 steps 10.0–20.3 14.5
Ordinary graduates (and broadly equivalent teachers) in Grade II or Grade III posts and other teachers in Grade II posts 1,050–1,920 in 13 steps 1,180–2,120 in 13 steps 10.0–12.7 10.4
Other teachers in Grade III posts 930–1,750 in 14 steps 1,080–1,925 in 14 steps 10.0–16.1 11.0

details of the offer made by the management side of the Scottish Teachers' Salaries Committee on 6th March for each category of teachers.

Mr. Ross

The basic scales now offered are shown in the tables below. In addition, the offer provides for a 15 per cent. increase in responsibility allowances, and for doubling, in secondary schools only, the present inducement payment of £100 for teachers serving in schools of serious staff shortage.