HC Deb 07 February 1968 vol 758 cc134-5W
Sir Knox Cunningham

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will expedite the hearing of the formal investigations into the losses of the three trawlers; and if he will hold the three investigations in one hearing under one Commissioner in order that the evidence may be in common and the recommendations of general application.

Mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu:

I have announced that formal investigations into the loss of the "St. Romanus", the "Kingston Peridot" and the "Ross Cleveland" will follow the preliminary inquiries. The arrangements for holding formal investigations are a matter for my right hon. Friend the Lord Chancellor. In discussing those arrangements with him after I have seen the reports of the preliminary inquiries I shall certainly bear in mind the hon. Member's suggestion. In any event, the inquiries will be expedited as far as practicable.