HC Deb 28 July 1967 vol 751 c317W
Mr. Alexander W. Lyon

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is in a position to announce the membership of the departmental committee he has decided to set up to examine the patent system and patent law.

Mr. Jay

As announced on 10th May, Mr. Maurice Banks has agreed to act as Chairman. The other members who have agreed to serve are:—

  • Mr. P. J. Stuart Bevan.
  • Mr. J. C. Duckworth.
  • Mr. G. D. Everington.
  • Mr. D. Gladwin.
  • Mr. A. W. Mallinson.
  • Mr. H. R. Mathys, T.D.
  • Mr. C. W. Morle.
  • Mr. A. Silberston.
  • Professor F. C. Williams, C.B.E., F.R.S., M.I.E.E., F.I.R.E.

Mr. P. J. Stuart Bevan will act as Deputy Chairman.

The Comptroller-General of the Patent Office will be available to assist the Committee.