HC Deb 02 February 1967 vol 740 c144W
30. Mr. Abse

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what steps are now being taken to co-ordinate training facilities in family planning programmes for overseas territories; and whether, in view of present population problems. a decision has yet been taken to establish a Population Bureau in association with a suitable institution of post-graduate studies to provide training for those who hold key positions in the organisation of their Government's family planning programmes.

Mr. Oram

We have arranged. in collaboration with the Family Planning Association of Great Britain and the British Council, for overseas doctors and nurses who are training in this country under official auspices to be offered instruction in family planning. We are also in close touch with the training activities of the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council.

As regards the Population Bureau we are now actively considering the form which this should take.