§ Mr. Juddasked the Secretary of State for Defence how many men in Her Majesty's Dockyard, Portsmouth, had weekly take home pay of less than £12 for any one week or more in June, 1966.
§ Mr. J. P. W. MallalieuThis particular information is not readily available: to get it we would have to search about 50,000 pay accounts, and I do not think the effort would be justified.
§ Mr. Juddasked the Secretary of State for Defence what categories of employment in Her Majesty's Dockyard, Portsmouth, are not covered by the dockyard incentive bonus scheme; and what plans are being made on behalf of those ineligible for the scheme.
§ Mr. J. P. W. MallalieuSome grades, for instance supervisors, have jobs for which the scheme is not appropriate. Where the nature of the work and the type of job are suitable for payment-by results, our aim is to enlarge the opportunities as far as is practical and economical. Several new items are being looked at now.
§ Mr. Juddasked the Secretary of State for Defence what the average weekly earnings of the following grades were at Her Majesty's Dockyard, Portsmouth, in the three months preceding the introduction of the dockyard incentive bonus scheme and in the last three months since the scheme was introduced, namely, skilled labourers II and above, skilled labourers I and ordinary labourers, craftsmen and fifth year apprentices, third and fourth year apprentices, 18- to 19-yearold yard boys, and women on women's work.
§ Mr. J. P. W. MallalieuThese figures are not available, and we would have to examine over 250,000 pay accounts to produce them; this effort would not be worthwhile. The average weekly earnings of all industrials in Her Majesty's Dockyard, Portsmouth, during the three months ended 31st December, 1965 were £17 2s. Od. compared with £17 9s. Od. in the three months ended 1st July, 1966.
§ Mr. Juddasked the Secretary of State for Defence what was the value of civilian contract works handled at Her Majesty's 278W Dockyard, Portsmouth, in the year ended 30th June, 1966; and what arrangements are being made to extend this sort of work.
§ Mr. J. P. W. MallalieuAbout £65,000. It would not be worthwhile to make special arrangements to extend this sort of work, for the reasons which I gave to the hon. Member on 29th June.