HC Deb 20 December 1966 vol 738 cc283-4W
Mr. Fortescue

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what plans he has to remove the remand home, at present situated at Woolton Vale in a residential area of Garston constituency, to a more suitable site;

(2) whether he is aware of the complaints about security conditions at the Woolton Vale Remand Home in the Garston constituency; and whether he will take action to ensure that the security is improved:

(3) whether he will arrange for instructions to be issued that residents of the neighbourhood of the Woolton Vale Remand Home in the Garston constituency are warned immediately an escape from the home is discovered.

Mr. Roy Jenkins

This remand home is provided by the Liverpool City Council: I understand that they are planning to move it to more suitable premises. I know that complaints have been made about absconders, and I will bring to the Council's attention my hon. Friend's concern about security and warning arrangements.