HC Deb 10 August 1966 vol 733 c348W
Mr. Hawkins

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) whether rises in farm rents already agreed but not yet in force will be permitted to come into effect;

(2) whether arbitrators' awards of increases in farm rents due to take effect at the next term date will be permitted to come into being.

Mr. Peart

The Government have made it clear in Cmnd. 3073 that the principles of the standstill apply to all farm rents. I have today met representatives of the Country Landowners' Association who have assured me that they are advising their members to comply fully with the principles of the standstill and that a circular, the terms of which have been discussed and agreed with the National Farmers' Union, on the action which should be taken, would be issued immediately. Members are being told that increases in farm rents, other than those which are attributable to improvements, should be postponed if they were not effective before 20th July.