HC Deb 01 February 1965 vol 705 cc205-6W
Mr. Hugh Jenkins

asked the Minister of Labour on what date the International Labour Organisation issued its amended Convention No. 96.

Mr. Thornton

This Convention was adopted by the International Labour Conference on 1st July, 1949. It came into force on 18th July, 1951.

Mr. Hugh Jenkins

asked the Minister of Labour what provisions were made in the International Labour Organisation Convention No. 96 for its ratification.

Mr. Thornton

A country undertaking to apply this Convention must communi- cate its formal ratification to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. The Convention becomes binding on a country 12 months after its ratification has been registered.

Article 2 of the Convention requires each ratifying country to state whether it accepts Part II or Part III of the Convention. Part II provides for the progressive abolition of fee-charging employment agencies which are run for profit and for the regulation of those which are not. Part III provides for the regulation of all fee-charging employment agencies whether or not run for profit. A country which has accepted Part III can later alter this to an acceptance of Part II.

Mr. Hugh Jenkins

asked the Minister of Labour how many and which countries have ratified the International Labour Organisation Convention No. 96 under Part II (abolition) and how many and which under Part III (regulation).

Mr. Thornton

Twenty-eight countries have ratified this Convention, and of these 23 have accepted Part II (abolition) and 5 have accepted Part III (regulation).

The following countries have accepted Part II:

Algeria. Ivory Coast.
Belgium. Libya.
Bolivia. Luxembourg.
Brazil. Mauritania.
Costa Rica. Netherlands.
Cuba. Norway.
Finland. Pakistan.
France. Poland.
Gabon. Sweden.
Federal Republic of Germany. Syrian Arab Republic.
United Arab Republic.

The following countries have accepted Part III:

Ceylon. Senegal.
Israel. Turkey.

Mr. Hugh Jenkins

asked the Minister of Labour when Her Majesty's Government announced its intention of ratifying the International Labour Organisation Convention No. 96 by the introduction of suitable legislation.

Mr. Thornton

The Government announced in July, 1951, in Cmd. 8286 that they proposed in due course to introduce the legislation necessary to enable this Convention to be ratified.