HC Deb 16 December 1965 vol 722 c309W
18. Mr. Armstrong

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what are his proposals for enabling teachers to study the internal organisation and administration of comprehensive schools in the nation-wide reorganisation now being carried through.

Mr. Crosland

This is a matter for local education authorities in the first place; discussions and visits to existing comprehensive schools are taking place in many areas. My Department is organising a conference next summer for heads and deputy heads of second schools and officers of local education authorities about organisation and curriculum in a comprehensive system. An extensive programme of research into comprehensive education is also being sponsored by my Department and the results will in due course be made available to the schools.

Sir R. Russell

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science on how many occasions public inquiries have been held into the objections lodged by electors to the establishment of comprehensive schools before he has given his approval.

Mr. Redhead
