HC Deb 30 July 1964 vol 699 cc404-5W
Mr. Stones

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs how many local authorities have instituted smokeless zones, in accordance with the Clean Air Act, 1956, in their respective areas in England and Wales; how many public inquiries have been held in response to objections; and what have been the results.

Mr. Corfield

By 30th June, 1964, 300 local authorities in England and Wales had made 1,671 smoke control orders under the Act, of which 1,556 had been confirmed. At that date 171 local inquiries had been held in connection with orders to which objections had been lodged, and as a result confirmation of two orders had been withheld and a number of other orders had been modified to meet objections. One hundred and thirteen orders were under consideration.

Mr. Swingler

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs how many complaints have been received by his Department in the last 12 months of contraventions of the Clean Air Act by industrial undertakings in the United Kingdom and, in particular, in North Staffordshire; and what action has been taken by his Department in each case.

Mr. Corfield

Action against contraventions of this sort is a matter for the local authority concerned, to whom complaints are normally addressed. No statistics are kept of complaints addressed to the Department, but I do not think any complaints about contraventions in North Staffordshire have been received during the last 12 months.